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400 gallon steam jacketed pot still $65,000/obo

400 gallon Trident steam jacketed pot still. Installed in 2014 brand new, run until 2019 with hopes to relocate after letting lease go at that time, and ultimately closing shop now. This still was making gin, vodka, applejack and award-winning whiskey.

  • Two temperature indicators
  • Stainless Steel Lyne Arm
  • Stainless Steel tube-in-shell condenser
  • Stainless Steel Parrot
  • Stainless Steel Column
  • Dephlegmator with assoc. plumbing
  • Gin basket (twist lock)
  • Agitator with 120 Volt 20 AMP VFD for variable speed
  • 2" butterfly drain valve
  • Insulated tank with copper sheathing
  • 16" manway
  • PRV/VAC tank protection
  • Spare manway gasket

Also have steam boiler sold separately, and matching equipment but I'm reselling from a set of complete distillery equipment (just missing a chiller). Will post specs on boiler when I have them correct (all in storage unit, so slow to unpack). Ships from Minneapolis 55403.


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  • 400gal-pot-still.jpg
  • pot-still-next-to-agitator.JPG

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