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Hiring Fermentation specialist, distiller in NY (Finger Lakes)

We are located in the Finger Lakes. The largest distillation plant in the north east. The only bulk whey neutral spirits plant in the Americas. The plant is able to produce 2000 gallons of neutral spirits every 24 hours.

We are seeking knowledgeable fermentation specialist to join our team.

The person must have at least 2 years of experience. Willing to learn or possess knowledge of continuous distillation and process automation.

The tasks are:

Prepare cultures and yeasts for fermentation

Overseas pre fermentation stages

Oversea Fermentation

Feedstock off loading

Liquid transfers between tanks


Learn and operate centrifuge clarifier

TTB recording, batch filing recording

Learn continuous distillation, process automation

Finished neutral spirits hanfling, diluting, cutting

Floating shifts (8,10,12 hours)

Ability to walk up multiple stairs and platforms

Please reach out to

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