Yes, all webinars are recorded and a complete recording with audio and slides will be available for those who signed up – email to receive your copy.
I signed up for today’s webinar but I missed it! Can I still see it somehow?
ACSA is a national nonprofit trade group. I understand it is governed by fellow members of DSPs. How is the board elected?
, Membership FAQ
Designated Directors shall be elected by the Voting Members from a list of eligible nominees provided by the Nominating...
I don’t have a DSP yet, so can I still be a member?
, Membership FAQ
Yes, ACSA offers a Candidate Membership for those actively pursuing a DSP permit in the United States and you...
How do I join an ACSA committee?
, Membership FAQ
Under the About tab, click Governance and click the button, “Volunteer Your Time, Join A Committee.”
When is the ACSA judging of craft spirits held? Do I need to be a member to participate?
, Membership FAQ
ACSA’s Annual Judging of Craft Spirits is held in the fall of each year. The competition is open to...
Can I share my membership with colleagues?
, Membership FAQ
As ACSA is a trade group, the actual member is the DSP or business. We’ve made it easy for...
I want to see this webinar, but I can’t make the scheduled time. What can I do?
, Membership FAQ
All webinars are recorded and a complete recording with audio and slides will be available the same day of...
What do I do if I want to speak at an ACSA event?
, Membership FAQ
If you’re interested in speaking at an ACSA program, please either email or complete this Call for Presentations form.
Do you host a legislative fly-in? If so, how do I get more information?
, Membership FAQ
Yes, we host an annual legislative fly-in in Washington, DC. Due to COVID-19, the 2021 Public Policy Conference will...
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Recent Articles
- Statement on Tariffs from Margie A.S Lehrman, CEO, ACSA
- STEPUP Foundation Kicks Off Fourth Round of Immersive Internship Program
- ACSA Appoints Emily Pennington as Chief Operating Officer to Implement Strategic Growth Initiatives
- ACSA Statement on FTC Suit Against Southern Glazer’s for Illegal Price Discrimination
- The Monthly Mash: November 2024