Complimentary Safety Webinar: Confined Spaces – Too Close For Comfort



When?: Tuesday, August 24th from 3-4 PM Eastern

What?: It might be a tank or a silo, but if you can stick your head in it, you are likely dealing with an OSHA-regulated confined space. Find out what defines a confined space, the common inherent hazards, and effective means of staying safe. Learn what vessels can be entered and under what circumstances. Emphasis is on low-cost solutions like documenting allowable work activities, labeling spaces, and importantly, knowing what spaces to never enter.

Who?: Matt Stinchfield has been actively creating safer workplaces for over three decades. He has worked in a range of environmental safety and health spheres, including pollution control, water and wastewater treatment, industrial hygiene, hazmat response, and chainsaw safety. He has focused on beverage manufacturing safety for the last 20 years as an insurance consultant to mid-sized and regional craft breweries and distilleries. Matt is also the Brewers Association Safety Ambassador. Currently, Matt is writing the book on brewery safety for Brewers Publications, shooting for a late 2022 release. In his spare time, he enjoys exploring stinky things, like fungi, washed-rind cheeses and other fermented foods. Matt founded his own brewery in Lincoln, Nebraska in 2014 and now assists start-ups and operating facilities.

How much?: Free to ACSA members and non-members alike!

SKU: 836-651-574 Category: Tags: , , ,

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