NOTE: This membership requires between 10,001–20,000 proof gallons removed from bond annually.
Membership requirements for a “voting” DSP:
- Own a valid DSP
- Produce fewer than 750,001 proof gallons removed from bond (combined annual production from all sources)
- Subscribe to ACSA’s Code of Ethics
- No more than 50% of the DSP is owned (directly or indirectly) by a producer of distilled spirits whose combined annual production of distilled spirits from all sources exceeds 750,000 proof gallons removed from bond.
This membership includes 15 additional user accounts.
Please note: In order to sign-up for this membership you need to agree to the ACSA Code of Ethics.
Need to renew? Follow the ‘Sign Up’ link to make your payment.
- Voting Members: As a Voting Member, you have the distinct privilege of electing ACSA’s Board of Directors. Your voice is heard. Your ideas matter.
- Distillers Convention and Vendor Trade Show: Receive exclusive member registration discount. The annual convention provides distillers and their key partners the opportunity to network and focus on DSP-centric issues. Education is a cornerstone of this event.
- Spirits Judging: Receive discounted entry fees and judges’ detailed tasting notes.
- Legislative: ACSA is the voice of the craft spirits industry and advocates for craft spirits on the federal, state, and local levels. ACSA’s goal is to improve the business environment for craft spirits producers everywhere.
- Trade Shows & Industry Event: ACSA actively promotes craft representation at national and major regional events and provides discounts and valuable platforms for brand promotion.
- Distilling Guilds: ACSA actively promotes the formation of distilling guilds and supports their initiatives.
- Regional Programs: ACSA conducts focused educational classes with industry experts throughout the year, and before the annual convention. Members may attend at a discounted rate.
- Education: Complimentary highly relevant education in the form of webinars.
- Media Relations: ACSA releases timely, reliable press of pertinent news that is communicated to the media at large as well as posted on the website. ACSA defends and promotes craft spirits with industry defined positions and takes a proactive and central role in the ongoing conversation around craft spirits.
- “Members Only” Industry Reports: ACSA periodically collects and disseminates reliable information on industry growth, category production volumes, and other important data regarding craft spirits.
- The Monthly Mash: A member-focused monthly newsletter, highlighting association events, industry updates, and regulatory compliance news.
- CRAFT SPIRITS magazine: An unparalleled resource for in-depth insight and intelligence for the entire craft spirits universe. The bi-monthly digital magazine from ACSA features the information and analysis that small, independent spirits producers and allied businesses need to operate in today's complex craft beverage market. Additionally, members receive a discounted rate on digital advertising.
Membership Committee
Jeff Kanof
Copperworks Distilling Company
Becky Harris
Catoctin Creek Distilling Co.
Committee Members
Aaron Bergh, Calwise Spirits
April Weller-Cantrell, Leiper's Fork Distillery
Bill Potter, New York Distilling Co.
Devin Walden, Tropical Distillers
Greg Stark, Stark Spirits Distillery
Renee Bemis, Driftless Glen Distillery
Rob Masters, The Family Jones
Jon Page, Senior Editor
Albab Melaku, Administrative Assistant