Webinar: Packaging Series 2: Closure Innovation: Putting the ‘Fun’ in Functional



When?: Friday, September 17th at 11 AM Eastern

What?: Leading bottle closure suppliers will detail many of the artistic flourishes and special effects that are jazzing up closures and allowing craft spirits producers to put their own creative spin on their caps and toppers. It’s just one of many ways that distillers can differentiate their products on the shelves.


Chris Lancksweert (Co-founder Bostocap) Having worked for a Family Office with investments in cork and capsules manufacturing facilities in Europe and helped the transition from wine to spirits industry focus, has created a “one stop shop” for all that is linked to spirit/alcohol packaging, with a particular focus in stopper and capsules (Bostocap). In parallel, he currently working in the development of a mobile app to bring distilleries closer to end buyers, previous to that has worked with his family business in plastics and has worked for more than 10 years in the mobile app space development, including helping the launch of a mobile games company with HQ in California, which was listed in Nasdaq and recently acquired by Electronic Arts. Chris has an extensive international experience, having studied, lived and worked in : UK, IRL, US, Spain and LATAM

Radi Necheva has been a Sales and Office manager in Herti US for the past 3.5 years. Herti is a leading European producer of aluminum and composite closures with a distribution office and warehouse in Sacramento, CA. The entire manufacturing is done in Europe, Bulgaria from where Herti distributes caps to all over the world. Herti operates in industries such as spirits, wine, olive oil, water and other beverages and offer more than 40 sizes of screw caps.

Teodora Racheva has over 18 years of sales & marketing background and being part of such an amazing environment is absolutely inspiring and motivating. She has travelled the world and worked for years in London, China, India, the Far East in general and is currently Head of Sales for Guala.

Guala Closures Group has over 60 years of history and is the number one global producer of all types of closures serving alcohol, beverage, oil and pharma industries. Guala operates on 5 continents across 29 plants with 5 R&D places across the globe. Guala Closures Bulgaria is one of the R&D places and the only one producing all molds for the whole group, all inbores & the only plant specializing on craft and luxury solutions as well. Guala strongly believes in long term commitment and for them the key point is to be a strong partner to all of their customers and to help them enhance their brand image.

How Much?: Free to all

This webinar is generously sponsored by Bostocap, Herti US, and Guala Closures Group

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