ACSA and DISCUS is announcing the introduction of HR 2520, the DISTILLERY FAIRNESS AND TAX REFORM ACT, by Congressman Todd Young (R-Indiana) and Congressman John Yarmuth (D-Kentucky). The bill, which is supported by the full memberships of both DISCUS and ACSA, provides for a reduced Federal Excise Tax rate on the first 100,000 proof gallons of spirits removed from bond to $2.70 from the current full rate of $13.50 per proof gallon. The bill also reduces the FET rate for all production over the 100,000 pg to $9.00 per proof gallon. The bill directly addresses the extraordinarily high tax rate on all distilled spirits, and specifically acknowledges the value of craft distilleries’ contribution to the economy by lowering the cost of getting craft goods to market. rtisanLetter-style emails are best used for addressing a single topic. Write in a professional yet friendly fashion, and be as specific as possible about what you’re trying to communicate.
- The Congress is in recess and your Legislators are home.
- Contact your Legislative representatives and voice your support for HR 2520, urge them to sign on as sponsors of the bill.
- Take the opportunity and reach out to them, invite them to your distillery to meet your staff. Invite your fellow distillers to join you in a show of support for the bill when your Legislator visits.
- Remind your lawmakers that each of you and all your staff members vote and pay taxes.
- Your aggressive pursuit of your Legislators’ sponsorship is key to the success of this effort.