A Message from Your Legislative Affairs Committee Chairs: Tax Update

This year, the Congress is finally getting on with the business of reviewing tax reform. Today, the House Ways and Means Committee Subcommittee on Tax Policy held its first hearing on the subject. Not to be left out of the debate, ACSA President Tom Mooney submitted a letter for the legislative hearing record once again discussing the high FET taxes and the unfair treatment of craft spirits in the tax code. That letter can be downloaded here for your review. The Subcommittee will meet again in April and ACSA again will raise this issue. At today’s hearing, business taxes were discussed, as well as a flat tax and possibly a national sales tax, rather than an income tax. Many ideas were on the table.

ACSA is also in the process of working with our friends in the craft brewing industry and small vintners to get a letter from key Members of the House asking the Committee to act on FET reform legislation sooner rather than later.

Finally, the House of Representatives will be in recess for the next two weeks beginning this Friday. If you have the opportunity, please call your local Congressional Representative and speak with his/her District scheduler to encourage your member of Congress to visit your DSP. ACSA staff, our Washington lobbyist, and your Legislative Affairs committee can assist you if you would like our help. We’re just an email away.

Ralph Erenzo, Tuthilltown Distillery

Nicole Austin, Kings County Distillery

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