Complimentary Safety Webinar: Cleaning, Sanitizing and Safety Practices in the Distilling Industry



This webinar is complimentary, thanks to Haskell’s generous support!

Log on Thursday, January 17th at 3 PM Eastern to hear about the best practices and safety precautions when dealing with common chemicals. Attendees will leave knowing:

  • The differences between cleaning and sanitizing
  • The three main types of common chemicals and how to use them in your distillery
  • The precautions and considerations you should take into account when cleaning different materials and equipment in your distillery

About Your Presenter:

Jeff “Puff” Irvin earned his undergraduate degree in biology from Iowa State University and went on to complete the Master Brewers program at the University of California – Davis. Afterward, he earned the title of Diploma Brewer from the Guild of Brewing and Distilling in England. He spent ten years at Olde Main Brewing Company in Ames, IA as their Brewmaster, building their processes and recipes, managing the facility and training employees. In August 2013 he became the first hired instructor of the Brewing, Distillation, and Fermentation program at Asheville Buncombe Technical Community College. The first 2-year Associate of Applied Science in Brewing, Distillation, and Fermentation In the United States. He is the Director of the Craft Beverage Institute of the Southeast ™ (CBI) at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College. The CBI is designed to support the rapidly growing craft beverage industry in Western North Carolina and the Southeast by providing curriculum and non-credit courses in brewing, distilling, fermentation and related business practices. He is one of eight Institute of Brewing and Distilling Accredited Trainers in the United States.

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