Quantifying the Impact of the American Craft Spirits Industry



While American craft spirits are demonstrating notable growth, the true impact of the sector remains evidenced more by anecdotes than a viable data-driven fact base. The American Craft Spirits Association, the International Wine and Spirits Research, and Park Street have teamed up to launch a research project with the goal to provide a solid and reliable fact base for evaluating performance and trends in the craft spirits industry. The stakeholders for this data are all industry members, including but not limited to distillers, farmers, distributors, retailers, consumers, service providers, and regulators, both on the federal and state level. Additional stakeholders include investors and employees within and behind such entities. A more fragmented and decentralized industry will require larger investments by all stakeholders. The desired fact base will help all concerned to make their respective investment cases and vastly improve an understanding of the full impact at a regional, local, and federal level. The presentation will provide some background on the research project as well as preliminary findings.

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