W9 – Spirit of Collaboration Summit Decree

WHEREAS, In a spirit of camaraderie and collaboration, leaders of the world’s whiskey associations met today in Kentucky, the Birthplace of Bourbon, to discuss trade issues that threaten the growth of this iconic, international industry; and

WHEREAS, Members at this historic gathering agree that the increasing success of global whiskey exports isa prime example of the long-standing benefits of open and fair trade; and

WHEREAS, Our spirits exporters have benefited from zero-for-zero tariff access to each other’s markets for more than two decades, which has greatly benefited both distillers and consumers, resulting inincreased jobs, community investment and consumer choice; and

WHEREAS, We have a long-standing record of working together with our respective governments to tackle trade barriers, improve market access and uphold the principles of the rules-based international trading system; and

WHEREAS, Recently imposed tariffs, including those on U.S. whiskeys, could greatly harm long-standing partnerships, consumers, distillery workers and industry partners, especially in agriculture, as there are no winners in a global trade war.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the leaders of the world’s whiskey associations welcome the commitment announced by the U.S. and the EU to de-escalate this trade dispute and address tariff issues; and

RESOLVED FURTHER, That world leaders build on this spirit of collaboration through timely dialogue that results in the prompt removal of recent tariffs between long-time friends and allies, particularly those on spirits exports.

ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY this 26th day of July, 2018.

American Craft Spirits Association
Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S.
Irish Whiskey & Spirits Associations
Japan Spirits & Liqueurs Makers Association Kentucky Distillers’ Association
Scotch Whisky Association Spirits Canada spiritsEUROPE
The Presidents’ Forum

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