October 28, 2022 Mr. Edward GresserChair of the Trade Policy Staff CommitteeOffice of the United States Trade Representative600 17th Street, NWWashington, DC 20508 RE: USTR-2022-0013: Comments Regarding Significant Foreign Trade Barriers to U.S. Exports – Submission by the American Craft Spirits Association (87 FR 56741 (September 15, 2022)) Dear...
Treasury Department Eyes Competition in Spirits Industry
Margie Lehrman, CEO of the American Craft Spirits Association, discusses competition in the spirits industry after the U.S. Treasury Department released a report recommending the Department of Justice use greater scrutiny for any mergers and acquisitions for beer, wine and spirits. She speaks with Matt Miller and Jon Erlichman...
ACSA Comments Regarding Significant Foreign Trade Barriers to U.S. Exports
October 26, 2021 Mr. Edward Gresser Chair of the Trade Policy Staff Committee Office of the United States Trade Representative 600 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20508 RE: USTR-2021-0016: Comments Regarding Significant Foreign Trade Barriers to U.S. Exports – Submission by the American Craft Spirits Association (86 Fed. Reg. 51436 (September 15,...
Statement by the Toasts Not Tariffs Coalition on President Biden Securing 5- Year Tariff Suspensions with UK and EU Leaders in WTO Boeing-Airbus Dispute

“We commend the administration’s tremendous progress in resetting the important trading relationships between the U.S., EU and UK, which have been instrumental for the growth of the hospitality sectors on both sides of the Atlantic. “Securing a long-term tariff suspension in this dispute provides U.S., EU and UK producers,...
Toasts Not Tariffs Coalition Sends Letter to President Biden in Advance of G-7

Urging Tariff Resolution as Part of U.S.-UK Bilateral Meeting WASHINGTON – The Toasts Not Tariffs Coalition, 50 associations representing the entire three-tier chain of the U.S. alcohol industry, sent a letter today to President Biden urging that he and Prime Minister Boris Johnson hammer out a deal to permanently remove U.S. and...
Toasts Not Tariffs Letter to President Biden
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: June 9, 2021 On behalf of the Toasts Not Tariffs Coalition, we are writing in advance of your upcoming meeting with Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the sidelines of the G-7...
Toasts Not Tariffs Coalition Letter to NSC and NEC
Brian Deese Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Director for National Economic Council The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Jacob Sullivan Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs National Security Council The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr....
72 U.S. and EU Associations Send Joint Letter to U.S. President Biden and EU President von der Leyen Calling for Immediate Suspension of Retaliatory Tariffs
Lifting Tariffs Will Ease Economic Burden & Help Reset Trans-Atlantic Trading Relationship WASHINGTON – Seventy-two U.S. and European associations representing a wide range of industries sent a letter today to President Joseph R. Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen urging the immediate suspension of tariffs on sectors unrelated to...
U.S., EU and UK Beverage Alcohol Associations Call for Immediate Suspension of Tariffs on Spirits and Wine

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A coalition of 21 trade associations representing U.S., European Union, and United Kingdom wine, distilled spirits and related sectors today expressed disappointment in new U.S. tariffs going into effect today on certain Cognac, other grape brandies and non-sparkling wine from France and Germany. “We are extremely...
U.S. EU Tariffs on Beverage Alcohol
October 7th, 2020 The Honorable Robert E. Lighthizer United States Trade Representative Executive Office of the President 600 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20508 Valdis Dombrovskis Executive Vice-President European Commission Brussels, Belgium Dear Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Mr. Ambassador: The undersigned 18 U.S. and EU associations representing retailers, restaurants,...
Joint Statement by International Beverage Alcohol Associations in Response to U.S. Tariffs
For Immediate Release: Oct. 18, 2019 NEWS STATEMENT Joint Statement by International Beverage Alcohol Associations in Response to U.S. Tariffs Imposed Today on Certain EU Distilled Spirits and Wines: We are united in our opposition to the imposition of tariffs and clear in our view that there are no...
Former ACSA President, Paul Hletko, Responds to Questions on Tariffs and Impact on Trade
Watch the clip here.
ACSA Comment on Drawback
September 17, 2018 Trade and Commercial Regulations Branch Regulations and Rulings Office of Trade U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 90 K Street NE, 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20229-1177 Re: USCBP-2018-0029 Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing on behalf of the American Craft Spirits Association, the only national trade group representing...
“W9” Stress Unity At First “Whisky Summit” In Louisville

July 26, 2018 – To show their unity, leaders of the nine major whisky trade organizations planted an American White Oak tree on the corner of 9th and Main Street outside the Frazier History Museum in downtown Louisville following their first-ever summit meeting. Even before the first shovel of...
W9 – Spirit of Collaboration Summit Decree
WHEREAS, In a spirit of camaraderie and collaboration, leaders of the world’s whiskey associations met today in Kentucky, the Birthplace of Bourbon, to discuss trade issues that threaten the growth of this iconic, international industry; and WHEREAS, Members at this historic gathering agree that the increasing success of global whiskey...
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Recent Articles
- ACSA Statement on Continued Threat of Trump Tariffs
- ACSA Announces 2025 Craft Spirits Competition & Packaging Award Medalists
- Fifth Annual Craft Spirits Packaging Awards
- Toasts Not Tariffs Coalition Statement on U.S. Tariffs Imposed on Canada and Mexico
- Statement on Tariffs from Margie A.S Lehrman, CEO, ACSA