Co-Sponsor CBMTRA 116th Congress-Senate

Dear Senator,

On behalf of the beverage alcohol community, we urge you to co-sponsor the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act (S. 362), legislation introduced by Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) to permanently establish reduced federal excise taxes and modernized regulations for brewers, cider makers, distillers and vintners across the United States.

Thanks to the overwhelming support of you and a bipartisan group of 56 co-sponsors, a two-year version of this bill was included in legislation that was signed into law at the end of 2017. However, without action by this Congress the provisions will expire at the end of this year. Our member companies are actively using the tax savings provided by the Craft Beverage bill to reinvest directly back into their businesses by purchasing new equipment and hiring new employees and this bill will give them the certainty they need to continue that growth. Additionally, our manufacturing and supply chain partners – from can and glass makers to agricultural producers – are also seeing a positive impact.

Every state is home to breweries, cideries, distilleries and wineries. These businesses and their employees are active participants in their communities and create billions in economic development and tourism dollars. It’scrucial that the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act provisions are made permanent to ensure the momentum created by the initial tax relief continues to spread across each state.

We look forward to working with you on this bipartisan legislation to make certain that brewers, cider makers, distillers, and vintners can continue to grow and be innovative leaders in their businesses and communities. Please co-sponsor the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act. Thank you for your consideration.


Jim McGreevy, President & CEO, Beer Institute
Robert D. Pease, President & CEO, Brewers Association
Robert P. “Bobby” Koch, President & CEO, Wine Institute
Jim Trezise, President, WineAmerica
Chris Swonger, President & CEO, Distilled Spirits Council
Margie A.S. Lehrman, Chief Executive Officer, American Craft Spirits Association
Michelle McGrath, Executive Director, United States Association of Cider Makers

Read more here.

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