Webinar- Honey: From Bee to the Bottle



February 26th, 2020 from 3-4 PM Eastern


Honey’s use in the spirits industry is growing as distillers realize the value of using honey in two key ways: as a primary fermentation substrate and as a sweetener/flavor. This presentation will provide an overview of how honey gets from the bee to the distillery, and go over the technical requirements of using honey in a variety of distilled spirits.

About Your Presenter, Keith Seiz (Ingredient Marketing, National Honey Board)

For the last 20 years, Keith has been immersed in the food and beverage industries, first as a journalist covering commercial bakery trends and today as an ingredient marketing expert for the National Honey Board. In his current role, Keith spends most of his year traveling the country talking to distillers, brewers, bakers and food manufacturers about how to make better products with honey. It’s his passion, and one that has him working with companies ranging from craft distillers to global food brands

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