Designated Directors shall be elected by the Voting Members from a list of eligible nominees provided by the Nominating Committee each year. The elections are typically in March with new board members taking their seats in April.
ACSA is a national nonprofit trade group. I understand it is governed by fellow members of DSPs. How is the board elected?
How do I get a username and password?
, Membership FAQ
You select your username when you initially register to become a member. If you’d like to change your username,...
How do I join an ACSA committee?
, Membership FAQ
Under the About tab, click Governance and click the button, “Volunteer Your Time, Join A Committee.”
Can I share my membership with colleagues?
, Membership FAQ
As ACSA is a trade group, the actual member is the DSP or business. We’ve made it easy for...
What is the easiest way to update my contact information?
, Membership FAQ
To update your contact information, login using your username and password, then, click your icon in the upper righthand...
I signed up for today’s webinar but I missed it! Can I still see it somehow?
, Membership FAQ
Yes, all webinars are recorded and a complete recording with audio and slides will be available for those who...
How do I use my membership discounts for events?
, Membership FAQ
ACSA will confirm if you are a member in good standing and eligible to receive that benefit or discount....
Who should I contact to answer questions about membership or other association events?
, Membership FAQ
For questions about membership or other association events, please email
How can I sign-up for webinars, educational programs, and events?
, Membership FAQ
To sign-up for education related programs, click the Education tab on our website for more information on upcoming events.