Du Nord Craft Spirits

Immediate Past-President testifies on behalf of craft spirits industry before the House Committee on Small Business

You can watch Chris Montana’s testimony here. Madame Chair and Members of the committee, I am honored today to represent craft distillers nationwide in addition to my own company Du Nord Craft Spirits. Who are the American Craft Distillers? At the outset it is worth defining exactly what a...

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The Monthly Mash: June 2020

The Monthly Mash: June 2020

The Monthly Mash Volume 5.6 Member-Owned, Industry-Driven ACSA Mission: To elevate and advocate for the community of craft spirits producers. From the Desk of Margie A.S. Lehrman, Chief Executive Officer Dear Friends in our Craft Spirits Industry: Historical fiction is one of my preferred reading genres. Exploring a time...

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A Black-Owned Distillery Was Set On Fire In Minneapolis. Here’s How The Owner Responded.

Chris Montana, owner of the first Black-owned microdistillery in the U.S., shares his hopes for the future. This story, as told to Garin Pirnia, is from the perspective of Chris Montana, co-owner of South Minneapolis’ Du Nord Craft Spirits. When Montana opened the distillery in 2013, in the neighborhood where he...

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ACSA Launches GoFundMe Campaign to Support Du Nord Craft Spirits, Badly Damaged During Minneapolis Unrest

To Our Alcohol Beverage Community and Supporters of Craft Spirits —In the early morning hours of Friday, May 29, Du Nord Craft Spirits, the Minneapolis distillery owned by the American Craft Spirits Association’s immediate Past President Chris Montana, was severely damaged amidst all of the devastation in the city....

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Craft Distillers Struggle to Survive Amid COVID-19

COVID-19 has battered the entire whisky industry but perhaps no one is struggling quite like the thousands of craft distillers in the U.S. The pandemic has shuttered tasting rooms and disrupted distribution, cutting off crucial revenue streams, prompting staff cuts, and potentially putting some on the brink of permanent closure. While...

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