The American Craft Spirits Association and a coalition of other groups representing the beverage alcohol sector today urged the U.S....
ACSA Comments Regarding Labeling and Advertising of Distilled Spirits with Alcohol Content, Nutritional Information, Major Food Allergens, and Ingredients
, Advocacy, Federal, TTBMarch 28, 2024 Amy R. Greenberg, DirectorRegulations and Rulings DivisionAlcohol Tobacco and Trade Bureau (TTB)1310 G St NW Ste...
New Recycling Laws in California and New Jersey Begin in 2024
, Advocacy, State, California, New Jersey, recycling, state issuesNew recycling laws in California and New Jersey will take effect in 2024. As we approach the new year,...
Spirits Industry Letter to Capitol Hill
, Advocacy, Congress, American Craft Spirits, Craft Spirits, Distilled SpiritsDear Speaker Pelosi and Leader McCarthy: As leaders of the nation’s distilled spirits producers, we focus on how the spirits industry...
Immediate Past-President testifies on behalf of craft spirits industry before the House Committee on Small Business
, Advocacy, Congress, American Craft Spirits, Chris Montana, Craft Spirits, Distilled Spirits, Du Nord Craft SpiritsYou can watch Chris Montana’s testimony here. Madame Chair and Members of the committee, I am honored today to...
American Craft Spirits Association Toasts to Long-Term Federal Excise Tax Reform
, Advocacy, Congress, News, Press ReleasesNearly a Decade in the Making, Craft Distillers Earn Permanent Tax Parity December 27, 2020 (Washington, D.C.) – Following approvals...
CEOs of Major Beverage Alcohol Associations Send Letter to Congress Urging Immediate Passage of Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act
, Advocacy, Congress, News, Press Releases, American Craft Spirits, CBMTRA, Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act, Craft Spirits, Distilled Spirits– Struggling Craft Producers Face Significant Tax Hike if Congress Fails to Act by Year-End – WASHINGTON – Chief executive...
, Advocacy, Congress, News, Press Releases, ACSA, American Craft Spirits, Catoctin Creek Distilling Co, CBMTRA, Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act, Craft Spirits, Distilled SpiritsWashington, D.C. (December 1, 2020) — The American Craft Spirits Association (ACSA) applauds Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Sen. Rob...
For Immediate Release: July 27, 2020 End Spirits, Wine and Beer Tariffs: Industry Calls for U.S. and EU to End...
July 21, 2020 The Honorable Mitch McConnell Majority Leader, U.S. Senate 311 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510...
June 29, 2020 The Honorable Earl BlumenauerU.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, SC 20515 Dear Representative Blumenauer: I write in reply...
The Honorable Steven T. Mnuchin Secretary of the TreasuryUnited States Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington,...
Direct to Consumer Delivery of Spirits as a Smart Response for Economic Recovery in the Craft Spirits Sector
, Advocacy, CongressCOVID-19 IMPACT on CRAFT SPIRITS INDUSTRY The outbreak of COVID-19 has harmed the health of Americans, fractured the nation’s...
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Recent Articles
- ACSA Statement on Continued Threat of Trump Tariffs
- ACSA Announces 2025 Craft Spirits Competition & Packaging Award Medalists
- Fifth Annual Craft Spirits Packaging Awards
- Toasts Not Tariffs Coalition Statement on U.S. Tariffs Imposed on Canada and Mexico
- Statement on Tariffs from Margie A.S Lehrman, CEO, ACSA